Market Outlook



RPA’s Market Outlook is provided quarterly to our clients and friends in order to share our perspective.

Click here to access RPA's latest 1Q24 Market Outlook. 

4Q23 Market Outlook

3Q23 Market Outlook

2Q23 Market Outlook

1Q23 Market Outlook



Stable Value Funds: A Risk-Free Dilemma?

RPA’s Investment Committee analyzes the appropriate use of stable value funds in participant-directed retirement plans.

Insurance company fixed (or general) accounts and stable value funds are prevalent across defined contribution retirement plans. Stable value funds often account for a large portion of a plan’s total assets, particularly in governmental retirement plans where they commonly account for 20-40% or more.

But, is that a sound and rational choice for most investors? What role should stable value play for a person saving and investing for retirement?

Please click here to download our full white paper.